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Managing I don't want to

Is there something you say no to? The response is usually, I don’t want to. Allow me to explain.

Two times a week I wake up at 5:15 a.m. so I can go to a group exercise class at the YMCA.....

What to do with Change Challenged Charlie

When you started leading people maybe you had the thought it was going to be easy, until you met Change Challenged Charlie. He’s that person on your team that needs the constant back and forth.....

Your food app and change

Chick-fila, Subway, McDonalds all have apps and the idea of ordering food on an app is not something I’m interested in doing…at all. In fact, you could say I’m highly resistant to the idea. Why you ask? ....

You want me to do what

When I was six years old, I received a new AMF Hi-Rise Flameout bike for my birthday. I was the last one on my street to learn how to ride a bike and so eager to ride it. I imagined myself riding down the street.....

The messy center

Growing up, there were a few commercials that always made me smile. "Where's the beef" from Wendy's. The McDonald's Big Mac song (Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce…)....

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